
Are we ready for the Lifestyle-Centric Career Planning?

It’s 2023. Everyone is talking about their goals. Dreams. Future. I’ve been over here trying to figure out what’s for dinner tonight.

I can’t be the only one? Right? 🙋🏼

What really gets me hung up in life is my vast interest paired with my extreme indecisiveness. In one week, as I look at my future, this is what I think about:

  • I could bake every day. First cookies, then back into sourdough, and learn how to make amazing scones. Yes, this is it.

  • What I really need is to get my hands in the dirt. What if we just tare up the whole yard for gardens. Then I can spend my time selling it, preserving it, and getting dirty. Who doesn’t love that idea?

  • Gosh, when I get a good side project that I love, I’m reminded why I got to where I am in marketing. I should really find more gigs that have me designing, organizing, and doing. Ok, yes, time to double down on freelance, Lyndee.

  • Ohhhhh, look at what that job pays! Plus benefits and unlimited PTO. And the work sounds intriguing. Who care about what I want my life to look like, I want it to be filled with cold hard cash (consistent income and bennies. Not exactly cold hard cash but a beautiful thing).

  • You know what this town needs? A bookstore. Oh! A bookstore that sells herbs and woo-woo stuff.

  • No, no. Lyndee, you really need to skill up. Go take that course. Oh, but what if this is the right one? Wouldn’t coding me more beneficial. Oh shit, these aren’t cheap.

Yes, this is exactly why I get overwhelmed. The whole “ride the waves thing” also makes me feel like I’m going nowhere. Fast. And in rides directly into BURNOUT.

Again, I can't be the only one. Right?

I swear evergreenies, I’m going to get much more enthusiastic about the year to come. I CAN FEEL IT.

There is a word has been sitting in the back of my mind. And I can’t let it go.

I enjoy pulling messages from these oracle cards, and for the new year, I got this:

“I rejoice in my unlimitedness”


Unlimitedness: the quality or state of being unlimited.Unlimited: boundless, infinite, not bounded by expectations.

Thank you Merriam-Webster.

The only one that has been putting expectations on me is… me. I’ve been searching for answers. For THE answer. Thinking that there is only ONE answer.

There is not one answer. There are infinite directions. I am boundless! And it’s time I rejoice in that.

Yes, society puts particular expectations on us too. Have a job, don’t rely on a handout, and always be climbing the ladder of success. But this doesn’t always feel right. And it's definitely not always true.

Cal Newport has been discussing the concepts of Lifestyle-Centric Career Planning on his podcast. In a nutshell, you start designing your life by creating a concrete image of what you want your life to look like without putting in that specific “what you do” part. (Go deeper here.) What you end up with is a life you want and work that fits into it.

Let's go back to that list of six ideas of the "path" to my future. These are with the wrong end game in mind.

This is my homework this week. What parts of my lifestyle do I want to keep intact and what is going to help me achieve that?

You have unlimitedness in you too. You can listen to your gut. Take stock of your options. You too can also make a decision that will create a lifestyle that you want.

Is this also your homework this week? Listen to your gut. What parts of your life do you want to keep intact? How do you want it to look different? How to do you want to enhance it? What is going to help you achieve that?

Then we go after it.

Let's go!

Three things about three things I’m reading:

Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds 🌺 Christmas present, full of beautiful plants, endless dreaming.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck 🤫 Necessary read, get your highlighter ready, make time to reflect on the ideas.

Reminders of Him 📖 Hooked me instantly, page turner, I usually don’t read things that get steamy!

Until the next one, stay open to the possibilities for this amazing life.


P.S. Yes, I want to get back to writing about marketing, leadership, and business. I'll be searching for something that catches my eye, but always open to suggestions. Hit reply and let me know what's on your mind.