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- Approaching AI With Caution
Approaching AI With Caution
Plus using cluster topics for bloggin and a (not so) eggcellent idea.
Monday: We are here again, the start of another spectacular week. Today is tax day. I did not bring self-employment income last year, so this should be fairly painless. But I’ve been catching up with independent contractors’ taxes in preparation for next year. Oofta.
Book Quote: “When we don’t know what we’re really trying to achieve, all change is arbitrary. So ask yourself, ‘How will we know when we are done?’” from Essentialism by Greg McKeown.
Let’s get to it!
Cluster Topics for Blogging
I listened to this podcast about SEO and blogging, and got me on the mindset of blog strategy and structure.
Summary: Choose the cluster of topics you'd like to be ranked for and start your focus with one. Every post should have two links: one to another blog post in the same cluster and another to the services page. It builds up internal linking and adds authority to Google. Also, a 750-word minimum for all blog posts you want to rank.
Deep Dive: I took this and attempted to run with it. SEO experts get too deep too fast, and I quickly backed away. But I’m still going to implement this method.
Sometimes clusters are called pillars or the hub-and-spoke method. The strategy is to plan blogs around one keyword to build authority on that one topic. For example, if you supply HR services, you can choose one main category around employee engagement, create blogs only on that topic, and link them all to your HR services page.
Action: I did keyword research for a few terms as I continue to narrow down my focus for my freelance business. (I’m also thinking forward and looking up coaching/mentor/consulting terms.)
I now have a list of keywords I’m going to lump together. From there, I will make a service page, then blogs to assist. These individual keyword clusters will live in their own little ecosystem!
Approaching ChatGPT With Caution
I’ve been playing with ChatGPT for a couple of weeks. But I’m resisting the urge to rely on it for full-on content writing. But I’m very happy with the work it’s done coming up with content ideas.
Summary: Instead of pecking around Google, I decided to ask ChatGPT for some ideas. It’s turned out to be a great idea generator.
Deep Dive: Yes, everyone is talking about AI. I’m utilizing it as a tool to start off my work in a more impactful way. When I did have it write longer pieces of content, I spot that it was written by a machine. It lacked heart and passion, and that is not what I’m looking for.
Action: I gave it a simple question, “what are some common questions small business owners have about online marketing?” I got back 10 questions that I know I can answer. This is a perfect place for me to start writing content for my social media and website (after I go back and fit them into my clusters, of course).
Have you used ChatGPT or other AI tools with success? Hit REPLY and let me know.
Picking Up Chicks Ain’t Easy
After all these years, it’s time for Squirrel Nut Acres (yes, that is what we call our homestead. Because there are a lot of squirrels, and they go nuts for… nuts.) to get some chickens. We have a set-up all started. Checked the local store, and they said they would have them Tuesday. I drive into town, and…. nope. No chicks.
Eggcellent Idea?: As the New York Times says, “Forget pandemic puppies. Meet inflation chickens.”
Deep Dive: Egg prices are a touchy subject with me. I’ve been a long-time grocery store lover, which in turn means I know the prices of groceries like a farmer and today’s market rates.
But now, when eggs have 4x in price, I get a little heated. So, sure, this was part of the driving factor behind us finally getting chickens. But it’s also that our Head of Operations (my husband) has the supplies to build a coop, I’m home to check in on them, and the boys are ready to help take care of them.
So, after a solid month of consideration, researching, and doing our due diligence, we’re ready. However, I also anticipated this struggle to find them. 🔮When I’m usually ahead of the curve (I was into sourdough wayyy before the rest of y’all), this one we’re a tad behind on.
Action: My name and number are with the farm store. I join the Minnesota Chickens Facebook group. We will get chicks, and you will hear about it.
Catch you when I have chicks. It will be eggciting.